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Bible Verse Lookup Tool

Blackaby points out in his book "Hearing God's Voice" that God will use a number of different mechanisms to speak to us. One that I have found particularly interesting, and sometimes mind blowing, is His ability to draw my attention to the current time of day, even though He lives outside the constraints of time. For example: He'll wake me up three days in a row at 4:44am... Now that gets my attention! Occasionally, He'll impress on my heart that the 'time' I'm looking at is a Bible chapter:verse reference (ie. 4:44am = Ezekiel 44:4 or Luke 4:44) Of course, we don't want to fall into the trap of 'numerology' but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His inspiration I believe that God does indeed speak to us via 'coincidence' and reoccurring themes where He draws our attention to the time at just the right instant.

With all that said, we've built a tool that will allow you to quickly figure out what the viable options are for a particular time of day number sequence.